Four20 Post

News and Information about the Business of Cannabis

16 November 2023

Michigan cannabis sales fell 4.3 percent in October to $262.9 million Michigan from  $274.7 million in September. Sales peaked at $276.7 million in July. The good news is October sales were up 25.5 percent from October 2022. Looking at the statistical report, medical...

Michigan and The Great Lakes Region

A judge is allowing three marijuana shops in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to reopen after shutting them down 10 days ago. “The judge suspended the temporary restraining …

Michigan's largest utilities, DTE, Consumers Energy, and Lansing BWL, are offering incentives and rebates to businesses that have installed or plan to install energy-efficient ...

According to the Michigan House Fiscal Agency’s October update, tax receipts for recreational sales for fiscal year 2023, which ended September 31, totaled more than ...

Allyson Chirio, operations support manager for the Enforcement Division, is excited to announce another education session specifically for cultivators. She will review ...

Farmer in the field

The Cannabis Regulatory Agency provided an update on administrative formal complaints and disciplinary actions taken against adult-use and medical licensees in October. You ...

Light’N Up Cannabis Company is bringing Thanksgiving happiness to Flint area people with a gift of 1000 turkeys. The locally-owned/veteran-owned cannabis company ...

To further support Michigan’s armed services veterans, the Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) announced Task Force 1620 (TF1620). Licensees who have implemented a …

The dome of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

On Nov. 15, the Cannabis Regulatory Agency summarily suspended the medical and adult-use marijuana processor licenses of Michigan Investments 10, Inc., located at 772 E. …

The governor of Ohio met with GOP Senate and House leadership on Monday to discuss changes to a voter-approved marijuana …

Low Dose, Full Toke, Like Your Parents Used To Smoke

National and International

British American Tobacco is once again increasing its investment in Canadian cannabis producer Organigram Holdings, this time ...

Cannabis Strain Closeup Sherbet